Launched Fall 2023, the Evaluation Consulting for Proposals (ECP) pilot program offers faculty expanded research support services. CEPR's experienced, Ph.D.-level research scientists are available to collaborate with IU researchers to develop robust evaluation plans for grant proposals for external funding. Our evaluation experts can help construct a robust conceptual model that details implementation plans & activities, highlights metrics connected to project goals, and assesses the impact of a research project/program.

Description of the video:
The Center for Evaluation, Policy, & Research. Supporting Indiana University researchers. The Evaluation Consulting for Proposals (ECP) pilot program is designed to support IU researchers applying to external grants. Our research scientists can help strengthen your proposal evaluation plan and overall evaluation strategy. CEPR offers no-cost consulting to IU faculty submitting grants to external funders. Consulting services are available to faculty across disciplines & campuses. Strong evaluation strategies can give your research proposal a decisive edge. Visit to request support for your next proposal. CEPR, harnessing research to inform program implementation, project impact, and policy decision-making.
Highlighted Program Features:
- Customized support: Services are tailored to match the unique needs of each research project and align with the funder’s requirements.
- Versatile consultations: CEPR can offer support to individual researchers as well as teams of researchers.
- Inclusive eligibility: IU Faculty from any discipline across all campuses are eligible.
- No-cost proposal support: Consulting is available to IU researchers at no cost as part of this pilot program.