Reports & Survey Data

Summary of what schools receive

Following participation, schools receive a comprehensive (standard) report of their student engagement data, including data disaggregated by key variables (e.g., grade level, gender/sex) and comparisons to other participating schools. Schools also receive a file of the raw data with identifiers removed. Reports and raw data files are provided electronically, although hard copies of reports and/or flash drives with raw data can be provided for a small additional fee.

  • Executive Summary - provides an overview of survey respondents, along with selected and key findings.
  • Frequencies - provides students’ responses broken down by grade level, sex/gender, race/ethnicity, and financial aid status.
  • Means Comparisons - provides mean comparisons comparing responses to other participating NAIS schools (Note: Schools participating in HSSSE will also receive a comparison of their data compared to public school norms).
  • Dimensions of Engagement - provides comparisons of means within three critical dimensions of engagement measured on the survey:
    Cognitive/Academic/Intellectual Engagement, Social/Behavioral/Participatory Engagement, and Emotional Engagement.
  • Bar Graphs - provides graphs comparing responses to other participating NAIS schools.
  • Open Responses - provides responses to the open response questions on the survey. Note that names of people referenced by students in their comments will be removed.

HSSSE/MGSSE results inform practice

By participating in HSSSE and/or MGSSE, schools receive actionable data about the activities and experiences of students in the school. These data can be used for a variety of purposes including the following:

  • Accountability
  • Accreditation self-studies
  • Assessment and improvement (“How can we do better?”)
  • Benchmarking
  • Communication with internal and external stakeholders
  • Staff development
  • General education reform
  • Institutional advancement
  • As part of a School Improvement Process
  • Examining trends or changes over time
  • Stimulating discussions about teaching and learning