Reports & Insights

Insightful reports and deliverables

Intro paragraph




Highlight Comparative Analyses (content TBD)


Additional analyses & reports

Schools may request additional (optional, for an additional fee) analyses and reports that might be useful. For example, longitudinal reports are available to schools that have participated in more than one administration of the HSSSE. Custom reports are available for schools that have special requests outside the standard report.

Examples of past custom report requests include:

  • gender-specific comparisons (e.g., female respondents compared to female-only respondents from other schools);
  • school-size comparisons (e.g., school compared to other schools of a similar size); and
  • association specific comparisons (e.g., school compared to other schools from the same accrediting association).

These are provided for illustrative purposes only. CEPR would be happy to discuss the feasibility of any additional analyses or custom reports with interested schools.